PALS Pretest Four 100% Online Accredited Updated Guidelines Instant Card Free Online Manuals CME and CEUs Get Started for FREE PALS Pretest Four Questions and Answers Which of these is NOT recommended when palpating for a pulse on an infant? a. Femoral artery b. Carotid artery c. Brachial artery d. None of the above Which of the following correctly describes hand placement during CPR on a child? a. Place one palm or both palms one over the other midline on the lower sternum between the nipples. b. Encircle torso with both hands with thumbs positioned 1 cm below the nipples on the sternum c. Place two fingers on the sternum. One between the nipple line and the other 1 cm below d. None of the above PART 1: Your patient is in pulseless ventricular tachycardia. What is the correct dose for initial defibrillation? a. 1 J/kg b. 2 J/kg c. 4 J/kg d. 0.5-1 J/kg PART 2: Your first defibrillation attempt was unsuccessful. What will be the correct dose on second attempt? a. 2J/kg b. 1 J/kg c. 4 J/kg d. None of the above What heart rate is indicative of SVT in children? a. > 180 bpm b. >220 bpm c. >150 bpm d. >120 bpm Your patient is in ventricular tachycardia with a pulse, which of the following is an appropriate treatment? a. Adenosine 0.1 mg/kg b. Amiodarone 5 mg/kg c. Procainamide 15 mg/kg d. All of the above Which of the following is the correct drug therapy for symptomatic bradycardia not caused by AV block? a. Epinephrine 1:10,000 solution: 0.01 mg/kg IV b. Epinephrine 1:1,000 solution: 0.1 mg/kg IV c. Atropine 0.02 mg/kg IV d. Lidocaine 1mg mg/kg IV When should you give compressions for bradycardia? a. When heart rate is < 100 bpm b. Not until pulse is absent c. When heart rate <60 and poor perfusion d. None of the above 9. How often should ventilations be given to an infant with advanced airway? a. Give 10-12 breaths per minute b. Give 6-8 breaths per minute c. Give 12-20 breaths per minute d. Give 8-10 breaths per minute Why is the tracheal cuff of an ETT inflated? a. Allows positive pressure ventilation b. Reduces risk of aspiration c. Maintain placement of ETT d. All of the above